Application Review Process

After you submit your online application, it will be made available to the program coordinator within three to five business days. The actual in-depth review of your file is conducted by the program director, co-director, and consultants. Attention is given to every aspect of an application, academic degrees, work experience, English proficiency, and your motivation and expectation to the program are all taken into consideration. If you are qualified in the online application review, you will be requested a video selfie for the selection committee's final decision. 

The admission quotas are limited each year. In 2020, we expect to recruit 30 to 35 participants. In 2019, approximately one in ten applicants has been offered admission; however, admission rates vary significantly each year. Moreover, the recruitment is "First Submit, First Review", which means the selection committee can only start the review work after your on-line application is submitted. Therefore, the earlier you complete the submission, the earlier chance you will get accepted.


How We Notify You of the Decision

Applicants accepted as 2020 participants will be notified of admission decisions via e-mail. The notification e-mail will provide the instructions of next steps. In the email, we will give a deadline for your participation confirmation. If we do not hear back from you by the deadline, we will assume that you have declined the offer of admission, and your application record will be withdrawn.

Applicants rejected will be notified via your applicant portal on the website. We will not send extra notification by email.